A) DEFINITIONS:1. The Police Academy Study Guides / Corrections Academy Study Guides (herein referred to as "PASG" / “CASG”) is a service operated on the World Wide Web.2. PASG operates Web sites under the root domain names "www.myfloridapoliceexams.com", "policeacademystudyguides.co" , “myfloridapoliceexams.net” , “myfloridapoliceexams.org” , “policeacademystudyguides.net” , “policeacademystudyguides.org” , “myfloridacorrectionsexams.com” , “correctionsacademystudyguides.com”. All of the aforementioned domains are the exclusive property of PASG / CASG
3. The term "Subscriber" refers to anyone who establishes a connection to our servers for access to and use of the studyguides sites,
regardless of purpose.
4. The term "Recruit" refers to anyone who is currently enrolled in any training academy.
5. PASG / CASG provides subscription-based services that require "registration" by the Subscriber.
6. The term "Instructor" refers to any person who currently teaches in any academy and has been confirmed by the academy director.
This person is offered free access only after being verified, and has the right to use this material to help recruits while in the classroom.
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1. PASG / CASG offers two types of licenses for the use of the study guides services, “Recruit” and “Instructor”.
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3. PASG / CASG subscription rates vary by subscription term chosen. Current rates for “Recruit” accounts are listed on the Subscription
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4. PASG / CASG reserves the right to modify registration options and fees at any time.
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1. PASG / CASG offers services to our members at the rates listed below:
1 week - (CASG / PASG) - $9.95
1 month - (CASG / PASG) - 24.95
3 month - (CASG / PASG) - $39.95
6 months - (CASG / PASG) - $59.95
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10 months - (PASG/CASG) $99.95
1 Year - (PASG / CASG) - $109.95
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3. PASG / CASG makes no warranty or guarantee regarding your ability or success in passing your block and state exams.
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1. PASG / CASG reserves the right to change and modify this Terms of Use statement at any time and to notify you by posting an updated
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